Thanks for stopping by…

Salaam! Welcome to, the home of a unique series of podcasts created by an eclectic (and enthusiastic) team of Palestinian refugees aged between 10 and 22 years.

You’ll notice that at present, there’s actually nothing here for you to listen to… Why? Well, as Karen Carpenter once whinnied, this podcasting project has “only just begun”… Come the first week of November, the kids will embark on a series of workshops with Australian broadcaster and volunteer, Daz Chandler.

The workshops will cover the fundamentals of podcasting – from program construction, sound recording and presentation and interview techniques, to audio editing and sound design, through to multi-media possibilities and online marketing.

Please stop by again soon to meet the kids and hear their first ever radiolajee installment.

Salaam for now!

More info

5 thoughts on “Thanks for stopping by…

  1. I’m so glad to see this project at its very early days and I’m sure that the children -and the volunteers as well- will live a wonderful experience that can not be described now, since it will have tremendous impact on the lives of each and everyone involved including myself (as an active listener to this young reporter and presenters)

    Keep the good work!

  2. It sounds like the project is getting some nice momentum! its great to hear each one of you! I am looking forward to how you can use these skills to improve how people around the world better communicate with each other.

    best regards

  3. I loved your new podcasts! They were so fresh and really interesting.
    Will you be doing a serial about an imaginary family and the adventures of the individuals? Will you use your facility for education?
    Thank you

  4. Hello Lajeeine!

    I am excited for your upcoming podcast on Saturday. I will be listening and I’m looking forward to even more podcasts in the weeks and months to come. I can’t wait to see you all again this summer!

    I miss you all and pray for a quick end to the violence in Gaza. I am supporting you all as much as I can here from Chicago and making sure that I always talk about my experiences from the Lajee workcamp this summer. I will be back to visit and I’ll never forget what I saw, what I heard, and the great friendships I made with you all.

    Laura Khoshaba

  5. Marharba to all at Lajee.
    Congratulations to everyone involved with Radio Lajee. It is stunning. It was so good to see and hear from some of you who came to the UK in 2008 and it was great to hear Amal’s recipes. I’m sure I could smell delicious things cooking as I listened to her podcast. Can you please do one about humus. I make it here but it never tastes as good as it did in Palestine.
    Your story was really good Mousa and it is a brilliant way to help people to learn arabic but the picture scared me, are all the cats in Aida that big?.
    There is so much darkness and suffering in Palestine at the moment and it is so good that there are positive things that people around the world can see and hear too.
    Keep up the good work. It is a wonderful start and I am looking forward to more podcasts in the future.
    Salaam to everyone who I have met and to the people I have yet to meet.
    Be strong and stay safe, Ken.

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