A Glimpse of Ramadan

Here in Aida Camp and in fact most of the Arab world, Ramadan is a pivotal occasion which takes place for 30 days of every year. It’s the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar and historically commemorates the period when the first verses of the holy Qu’ran were revealed.

On a surface level, Ramadan is about fasting so if you’re in good health, adult and Muslim, you should refrain from eating or drinking anything during the daylight hours. When the sun sets, Muslims break the fast generally alongside their entire family.

On a deeper level, Ramadan is a time for spiritual advancement, self-improvement, generosity, empathy and community.

Like any significant religious occasion, some people love it, while others dread it. One thing’s for sure though, Ramadan certainly means something different to everyone.

To give you a better understanding of what these 30 days are about, Radio Lajee’s Shoroq Asad prepared this slide-show. If you like it, don’t forget to leave a comment and share with others!

A DAY IN THE LIFE by Saja Ajarma

Like all teenagers, 14 year old Saja Ajarma, is concerned about how other people perceive her. Specifically the western world…She wants people to understand that she, like all of her friends, are normal kids – with the same past times, dreams and interests, as other youth living outside of the West Bank. That is why she prepared this story about a particularly average day in her life.


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